The final two ewes had their lambs on Thursday (Mar 24): Bunny had her twins, Morgana and Morgause. Winnifred had her ewe lamb just a few hours later, Lady Larkin.
Morgause came first, out in the pasture. Lorraine was getting ready to do some things around the house when she decided she had better check on Bunny and Fred. She found Morgause had already been born, and Big Mac the llama was there licking her off. Big Mac was enamored with her.
Lorraine found Bunny struggling with Morgana and had to help her along. Good thing Lorraine decided to check as Bunny was having difficulty with the last one.
Lorraine decided to bring in the rest of the flock. Not long after, Winnifred delivered her ewe lamb, Lady Larkin.
All lambs are doing well, as well as the moms. Morgana was having difficulty standing up, but once she was set on her pins she latches on just fine. Unfortunately, Lorraine had to check on her every few hours into this morning. The good news is that as of this morning, when Lorraine went out to check on her at 6:30 AM, Morgana was already on her feet and had a full belly. This is a big relief as Lorraine was not looking forward to having to check on her through the day and possibly the weekend.
So the grand total of lambs for this season is four: Shamus the ram lamb, Morgana and Morgause, the twins, and Lady Larkin. Unfortunately, the first lamb wasn't viable and died on the second day. Mom ewe had no milk to give and the lamb just couldn't keep up, even with the tube feeding. It was sad, but it happens.
Shamus is doing very well and is learning to run around and jump.
More updates later.